Saturday, September 24, 2016

Where in the world is the Williams family--House updates, ball updates,fitness and babies...

Good morning! And happy Monday!!!! 
So much has been going on the past few weeks & I figure it's time for an update. Logan's shirt might give you a hint "Raising me ain't easy". (You can find that tee on etsy from LK Clothing). 

So let's talk house. So you all have probably figured out by now we are a painting family. My father, sister & I all have a love for painting. I had a grand vision for these 2 pieces in my living room & my dad completely brought them to life. I'm an abstract gal so you decide what's going on in the pics. :) 

The two paintings are spread against 2 walls & I knew I wanted to do something fun in between but also knew I couldn't take away from the paintings. & white won! I chose to display 12 photos, equally sized & lined. These are photos of us 3, some solo, some together, just perfectly describing our life & family. I'm in love with how it turned out. 

TV in the living room? We do have one that is on the left hand side of the fireplace. I did not want the TV as the focal point (which is different than you mostly see), but I wanted it to be more of a conversational room with just the TV as an accent. I'm still switching around living room rugs & furniture between rooms until I find perfect spots for everything.

But for now...this is where the home stuff ends. We are headed overseas very soon to meet up with Zo & I'm beyond ready. Single parenting for the past month has been so crazy. My hats off to the women & men who single parent every day. I have no clue how you do it. I think I'm surviving off wine, pretzels, and room temp coffee! *life*sigh*

Zo is doing wonderful on his new team. He's got good chemistry & the team is starting off well in pre-season & their first games. You can keep up with Zo's team via our Facebook. I'm always posting the links & such, keep an eye out for the live stream links & check Zo out!

So what's next? Fitness! My favorite F word! 

I'm so excited to be working with my clients online again & from surveying previous clients I have decided to add even more eBooks to my programs & im working so so hard behind the scenes. I currently have my fall into fitness program available & at the end of October I will be launching my holiday program! Eek!!! 

I've just started working on it & can't wait to show you guys! 

Currently I'm doing weekly challenges, online personal training, & monthly meal plans. If you need more info it's always on the website! 

So, babies????

Ok...I'm not sure how many times we have gotten this question over the past 9 months but I'm addressing it! "When are you guys having another baby?" --our answer...we aren't. 

We have no plans in the near future to have another little Logan. We are traveling a ton, visiting lots of new places, working on business ventures, and we have lots of house projects we are doing. So life is pretty hectic on our end & we are enjoying the ride as a family of 3.

So we are never having another baby? 

Well, we believe in God, we have faith & we trust His plans. If God sees fit to bless us with a little one soon, we would be ever so happy! But our plans for now are just a family of 3. 

I think that covers everything! We are on week 6 of homeschool & oh man Logan is doing so well. I'm so stinking proud of him & it's so exciting to watch his mind grow. Make sure and follow Logan on Instagram @princeljw if you want to check out some homeschool ideas & crafts. 

As always, we love our 3f's 

Stay tuned for more....

Zo, Mo, & Lo Williams 

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