Saturday, March 19, 2016

Motivational Mondays- Quick & challenging after holiday workout!

Good Morning readers & happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful & relaxing 4th of July. I enjoyed a great time with friends & family! If you indulged a little too much on good bbq & treats...don't worry, I've got some great tips & my favorite fat fighting workout for you guys this week.

If you are feeling like you ate a little too much, need a good detox, or feel a little bloated; here are some great food tips for the week to get you back on track.

If you are interested in my juice detox, here is the direct link.
Juice Detox Link

Here are some great suggestions for food/drink to get rid of your holiday bulge.

1. Lots of WATER- stay hydrated & flush toxins
2. Water based fruits & veggies- ex: celery, cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe, kale, & spinach.
3. Spices! --my favorite are Rosemary & Turmeric
4. Yogurt & Oatmeal
6. Need a snack? Try some almonds or a boiled egg!

Stick with lean meats & limit your fat intake as well.


Here is my favorite fat burning workout after a cheat meal or a holiday splurge! No equipment needed, head to the park or your street.

you can find a short video of this on my instagram @msjonez10

Warm up/stretch
Run/jog- 2-3 miles
4 sets of 20
-Run up & back down a hill or elevated surface
-sprint 30 feet down & back
-30 lunges (alternating legs)
-30 squats
-20 standing leg lifts (alternating legs)
-20 crunches
Rest 2 minutes, next round
Cool down/stretch

Enjoy the burn!!

I am not into depriving yourself of anything, all in moderation. But sometimes we can overdue ourselves & feel YUCK the next day (or week). Challenge yourself to this workout every other day until you get back to feeling yourself again. Then you can continue this workout 1-2x per week along with your healthy eating & other workouts.

Hope you all have a wonderful week this week!


1 comment:

  1. This workout actually seems like it would (almost) be fun. Thanks for writing it all out.
