Saturday, March 19, 2016

Mommy Mondays- Just doing our best

Good morning mamas (and readers) & happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had a very busy weekend celebrating friends birthdays, basketball games, parties, & BBQ's. Summer time is always so incredibly busy for us & i think for everyone as we try & celebrate time off from school & work. I love it, but I took lots of naps this past week! :)

This week I wanted to talk about a probably touchy topic, but an important one. I received an email this past week that read.....
(don't worry, the sender has approved me sharing)

"Hey Morgan- Your little boy is so precious. I am a first time mom as well to our sweet little Layla girl. I am always reading your blogs and tips and love your workouts too. Its been so hard for me though to feel like i am accomplishing anything for myself and i am always wondering how you can just do all these things with your son and he is always happy and smiling and PERFECT! i can barely even get out of bed or leave the house--which is always a mess. can you give any specific tips for organizing life and maybe getting our daughter involved in activities? i feel so discouraged and like a bad mom."

After reading this email my big heart just shrunk! I am constantly blogging that everything we do with our little guy is simply what works for our family. I will admit that prior to motherhood I was a crazy OCD lady. We do not push our son to do anything, but try our best to expose him to new things, new people, & new adventures. He just so happens to really love doing that!

Yes, I do believe Logan is a very happy child. His smile is constant & brings so much joy! But please remember.....I am sharing videos & pictures of Logan on the internet this way so that you can smile back. THIS DOES NOT MEAN MY CHILD DOESNT CRY!!!! But of course, why would i share him screaming all the time? I choose to share the good so that you can feel good too. I choose to share MY good journey in fitness so you can be encouraged.


Everything isn't perfect, far from it. And any mama that tells you everything is perfect is full of that little substance in her child's diaper! It is so important to remember that social media is a platform for sharing things....whatever you want to share. This means that people (including myself) are sharing just small, happy, positive glimpses in their lives.

Although I share a lot of my sweet boy & his smile, it doesn't mean that he's not having a blow out in the grocery store, crying for da-da (when da-da isn't here!), taking 30 minutes to finish his baby food because its flying all over the place, getting a black eye because he thinks he's grown & can walk, fighting nap time because he thinks its now lame, taking my (pricey) heels & chewing them because he is teething, and the list could go on.

And then there is me...
I share my workouts to help motivate people, give you free workout tips/advice, etc. I share my progress because it is positive & exciting. But you can ask my sweet husband the other things that I do not share.

I am still working on embracing my new mom body, losing the 10 more pounds, finding the right bras for my ever-changing (sagging) chest, working on different eating habits, picking out mom swim suits, finding alone time, napping because I am always exhausted, & coming to terms with our local Starbucks barista having my drink ready by the time I am at the front of the line because she knows whats up! ((and usually has an extra shot because she sees the stress in my face)).

All these things aren't shown everyday on my social media or anyone else's.

We are all just humans, women, wives, & mamas. We are all just out here trying to do our best with what we have, think, & feel.

I always remember that before my sweet boy was born, before I was even born, God formed me & knew me, & created me for this purpose. ((Jeremiah 1:5))

God equipped me to be Logan's mom, Lorenzo's wife, & most importantly Morgan McCall Williams. He equipped me to handle the mistakes I will make in these roles & the strength to excel in all things.

I am grateful that God knows my path.

We are all just doing our best. Let's not judge another woman or mother for what she may or may not be doing. Let's not assume that they are better than us or more worthy than us because of what we see. Each of us are different, our lives & journeys are different. Every child is different & will have a different personality & develop at different times.

Instead of the hate, jealousy, anger, or assumptions. We should replace those with encouragement, positivity, motivation, inspiration, & love.

So, although we think Logan is a happy, sweet & loving little angel...we won't deny he's moody, growing, changing, & teething too!!! :)

Do your best
Love yourself
Love your family
Stay grateful


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